Tuesday 25 November 2014


When I visited Ron yesterday he told me that the doctor had been and seen him and he was very pleased with Ron's progress.  Ron said that the doctor said Ron was ready to move to re-hab.  I am not quite sure whether this means another part of Harlow or on to another location.  Either a physio or a OT had paid him a visit and showed him some things to do with his hand and he had been able to make a finger to thumb pill rolling motion, he told me he had also moved his toes.  Unfortunately he is never able to demonstrate these moves again - it must take an enormous effort on his part.

Ron reports that the food is excellent, he had pie for lunch followed by ice cream and Lancashire hotpot for dinner which he said he could have had seconds.  I am pleased that he has got his appetite back as he will need all his strength in the coming weeks/months.

Big news!  Ron had a cup of tea, this is first since the fateful day 3rd November, unfortunately he only managed half of it when his attention was diverted by some happening in the ward, his half drunk cup of tea was taken away with his dinner tray.

I am hoping that Ron will be moved out of his present bay as the other five people in there are in  a much worse condition and it must be a bit depressing for Ron although he remains upbeat and just counts himself lucky not to be like those other poor men.

Parking at PAH is very difficult.  After three tours of the various car parks yesterday I gave up and went to the fire station where Vince, my son in law works.   I will take them some cake today.


At 25 November 2014 at 11:51 , Blogger Lynda said...

Thanks for the blog you were up late blogging


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